Learn more about Dr. Biscet’s life.

Dr. Oscar Elías Biscet, a native of Havana, Cuba, began practicing and teaching medicine nearly 40 years ago. Beginning in the late 1980s, his open opposition to Cuba’s communist government has earned him the regime’s scrutiny and surveillance, in addition to multiple political prison sentences.

January 29, 2025
Read Dr. Biscet’s latest article for Newsweek
What Are International Leaders Saying About Dr. Biscet?
“ Dr. Oscar Biscet
is a champion in the fight
against tyranny and
George W. Bush
Former U.S. President
“ A beautiful man,
a doctor who has spent his time
in the prisons of Cuba.
His name is Dr. Biscet.
I want you to hold him up.
Let everyone in Cuba know
that he is special to us,
and we are watching. We are watching. Hold him in your thoughts. Hold him in
your prayers.”
U2 (at a concert in Miami)
“ Mr. Biscet and I were
convicted of the same crime:
fidelity to our consciences.
Mr. Biscet, a doctor, blew
the whistle on corruption and
abuse in Cuba’s healthcare
Armando Valladares