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A devout Christian and follower of the philosophies of Henry David Thoreau, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, Jose Marti and the Dalai Lama, Biscet terrifies the communist Cuban regime and commands respect and admiration from across the globe.



Dr. Biscet’s impact in Cuba and around the world continues to inspire.

Dr. Oscar Biscet has been described as the “most prominent political prisoner in Cuba” (National Public Radio), “a powerful advocate for a Cuba in which the rights of all people are respected” (President George W. Bush), and “a counter-revolutionary ex-convict who exchanges letters with President Bush” (Fidel Castro). A leader of extraordinary vision and courage, Biscet has dedicated his life to nonviolently resisting the Cuban regime’s violations of civil liberties and human rights.


- 2022 -

Burke Awards Honorees 2022

- 2011 -

Nominated for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize

- 2008 -

Human Rights Award from Prime Minister Topolaneck of the Czech Republic

- 2007 -

Presidential Medal of Freedom award from President George Bush 

- 2007 -

Dr. Rainer Hildebrandt Medal for Human Rights

- 2004 -

Honorary Doctoral Degree from Miami Dade College

- 2004 -

Honorary President of the Pan American Cuban Medical Convention

- 2005 -

Champion of Liberty - Nationalist Democratic Party of Cuba

- 2004 -

Honorary Doctoral Degree from Miami Dade College


Biscet has won many awards and accolades for his decades of devotion and activity on behalf of freedom and democracy in Cuba. In 2007, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian award, by President George. W. Bush as well as the Dr. Rainer Hildebrandt Human Rights Award, Germany's most prominent human rights honor. In 2011,

he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his “relentless and self-sacrificing struggle for universal human rights and freedom.



What Are International Leaders Saying About Dr. Biscet?

“ Dr. Oscar Biscet    

is a champion in the fight

against tyranny and



George W. Bush

Former U.S. President 


“ A beautiful man, a doctor

who has spent his time in the prisons of Cuba. His name is

Dr. Biscet. I want you to hold

him up. Let everyone in Cuba know that he is special to us,

and we are watching. We are watching. Hold him in your thoughts. Hold him in your prayers. ” 



U2 (at a concert in Miami)

“ Mr. Biscet and I were       

convicted of the same crime:

fidelity to our consciences.

Mr. Biscet, a doctor, blew the whistle on corruption and abuse

in Cuba’s healthcare system. ” 

Armando Valladares

Cuban-American poet,
diplomat and human rights activist.

“ Oscar Biscet is

Cuba’s Nelson Mandela.

He has the charisma to lead

  a democracy movement. ” 

Alberto de la Cruz

Political Analyst

“ Dr. Biscet is 

a Cuban doctor who

    moves history. ” 

Michael Gerson

The Daily Herald

“ Dr. Oscar Biscet is a modern day Cuban patriot that has suffered so much in defense of life and a free Cuba.” 

Gloria Estefan

Grammy award winning musician

           “ Oscar Biscet is the kind     

of man who should attract

our media’s interest: a doctor,

a democratic idealist,

a practitioner of civil disobedience, a disciple of Mahatma Gandhi

and Martin Luther King. He’s black. What more could

you want? ” 



Armando Valladares

 The staff of National Review

“ I’m inspired by    

his unyielding commitment

to his people and his nonviolent defiance of an unjust regime. He symbolizes all the brave men and women of Cuba who continue to have a vision for a free and democratic Cuba.” 


George W. Bush

U.S  President

“ There was one good thing     

that happened to me in prison. There I had the privilege of

meeting Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet.

He was a light within all that nothingness. It is impossible

not to admire him. He gives

his all in an incredible way.

He never agreed to dress as

a prisoner. He lived inside

the cell completely naked. I tell

you, all that was inspiring.

He gave me strength.

He transmitted that strength

in his words.” 

Gorki Aguila

Cuban dissident and musician

“ Oscar is one of my heroes

and he is one of history’s greatest advocates for freedom in Cuba. ” 

Mario Diaz-Balart

Member of U.S. Congress, Florida

“ Biscet is a steadfast advocate

of nonviolent struggle for political change.We have always heard that his models are Thoreau, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and

the Dalai Lama. 

UncommonSense Blog

U.S. President 



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